Top Of The Week

What is the meaning of wearing crystal?

In fact, many ancient cultures, such as Egypt, Greece and China, believed that crystals had healing properties. Some...

What are some good crystals for strength?

The best crystals for courage and strength Tiger's EYE. A protective stone, tiger's eye can also bring good luck, inner...

What does a purple and white crystal mean?

Chevron Amethyst is composed of V-shaped crystals of dark violet and white colors that look very beautiful. This variety...

What crystal means luck?

One of the best crystals that brings good luck has to be the Green Jade. For centuries, green jade has been a stone that...

How do crystals change colour?

The molecules of a liquid crystal can move independently, as in a liquid, but they remain a little organized, as in a...

What do pink and white crystals mean?

Soft, compassion-promoting and emotionally healing, pink stones are. The meanings of pink crystal capture the feeling of...

Recent Posts

What are blue crystals good for?

What are blue crystals good for?

These gems feel very healing due to their high frequency and positive vibrational energy. Instantly relaxing, just having ...

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What does the white crystal mean?

Some consider this white crystal to be a master healer. The white crystals symbolize ends and beginnings.

What does blue and white crystal mean?

You don't need to be an expert in any spiritual study to be able to make your own guess about the meaning of crystal...

What does a purple crystal mean?

The meanings of purple crystal have to do with spiritual energy. These stones help us connect with our mystical sides by...

What does each color crystal mean?

You don't need to be an expert in any spiritual study to be able to make your own guess about the meaning of crystal...

What do the crystal colors mean?

The energy of the crystal color is also related to a specific chakra. Dark browns and blacks are connecting and...

What colors can crystals be?

There is a meaning behind the color of each crystal. From all the colors of the rainbow to brown, black and white, read...

What are purple and white crystals called?

Charoite is a gemstone that has a complex mixed color of purple, white and black. You can enjoy a beautiful marble...

What is the meaning of white quartz?

The whiteness of this crystal symbolizes innocence and clarity. With this glass, you will see the environment through...

Editors Picks

What does the crystal symbolize?

What does the crystal symbolize?

In Western Christianity, crystal was often mentioned in writings and was used to decorate important religious objects,...

What does a pink and white crystal mean?

What does a pink and white crystal mean?

You don't need to be an expert in any spiritual study to be able to make your own guess about the meaning of crystal...

What is the blue crystal called?

What is the blue crystal called?

Blue sapphire is the most sought after blue stone, but there are other variants of gemstones that have an equally rich...

What are clear purple crystals called?

What are clear purple crystals called?

Purple fluorite comes in almost every color of the rainbow, but purple is one of its most common colors. Fluorite is a...

What does the blue and white crystal mean?

What does the blue and white crystal mean?

You don't need to be an expert in any spiritual study to be able to make your own guess about the meaning of crystal...

What do all the colors of crystals mean?

What do all the colors of crystals mean?

You don't need to be an expert in any spiritual study to be able to make your own guess about the meaning of crystal...